Geneva/Cancun, Mexico - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has voiced concern that many countries are still involved in illegal arms transfers despite having committed themselves to an international treaty to regulate the flow of such weapons.
El CICR está sumamente preocupado por el clima de tensión que hoy impera en Burundi, en el periodo previo a las elecciones, así como por las consecuencias que ello tiene en el plano humanitario para la población.
The president of the ICRC, Peter Maurer, has just completed a two-day official visit to Washington.
Colombians are still suffering the consequences of the conflict and other major violence on a daily basis. That was the message from the ICRC"s delegation in Colombia during a presentation of its 2014 report on humanitarian activities in the country.
The ICRC and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent continue to provide millions of Syrians in both government- and opposition-held areas with emergency relief and clean water.
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