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South Sudan: Hundreds of thousands face critical food shortage


Geneva/Juba (ICRC) – Hundreds of thousands of South Sudanese face severe food shortages and an alarming hunger situation after two years of fighting in the country, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the South Sudan Red Cross said today.

"Hundreds of thousands of South Sudanese face a critical food shortage," said Juerg Eglin, head of delegation for the ICRC in South Sudan. "The level of hunger is severe. Medical needs are high. Life in South Sudan is both chaotic and dangerous, and we are trying to help by improving access to food and health care."

Though a peace agreement has been signed, the humanitarian consequences of two years of conflict remain extremely concerning. Aside from massive food needs, many people are separated from their loved ones and millions still desperately hope to return to their homes.

For many in South Sudan the last two years have been a life on the run -- in search of food and health care and from the dangers of warfare and sexual assault.

Together with the ICRC, the Red Cross Movement is working to address the most pressing humanitarian needs across South Sudan. The IFRC and the South Sudan Red Cross are supported by the Australian, Canadian, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish and Swiss Red Cross societies.

This short video provides a glimpse of our work to meet the most urgent food needs of people in South Sudan.

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