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Nigeria: Nigerian Human Rights Commission trains in international humanitarian law


Abuja (ICRC) – Almost 40 staff members of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) gathered today for a three-day workshop in Abuja to learn about international humanitarian law in armed conflict.

The workshop, conducted by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) with the support of the British Red Cross, focuses on sexual violence, the rights of people who are detained, access to health care, and issues concerning missing and displaced persons.

"Those who are constantly in touch with the lives of the most vulnerable people during armed conflicts and other violence need to thoroughly understand international humanitarian law," said Karl Anton Mattli, Head of Delegation in Nigeria for the ICRC. "This workshop for the National Human Rights Commission is the result of our long cooperation on a number of salient issues in today's Nigeria."

National Human Rights Commission staff traveled to Abuja from the Federal Capital Territory, Adamawa, Borno, Gombe, Kaduna, Kano, Plateau and Rivers states to attend the training.

The ICRC has worked in Nigeria since 1988, sharing information on international humanitarian law with the government, universities, security services and other weapon bearers.

For further information, please contact:
Aleksandra Matijevic Mosimann, ICRC Abuja, tel: +234 706 418 90 02 or +234 703 595 41 68


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