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Jamaica: Youth project aims to reduce impact of violence


Caracas / Kingston (ICRC) – The Jamaica Red Cross (JRC) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) are working together to provide local youth with solutions to mitigate the consequences of violence.

"In Jamaica, urban violence is a major cause of concern for local communities and its impact on the population requires adequate attention," said Ariane Tombet, head of the ICRC regional delegation in Caracas, which also covers the Caribbean Community countries.

The joint JRC/ICRC project stems from an agreement signed on 22 October 2015 and is sponsored by the International Olympic Committee. Its goal is to reduce the impact of violent behaviour among at-risk children and young people through an integrated after-school sports-based programme. It will be conducted in two violence-prone inner-city communities: Central Village in St Catherine and Canaan Heights in Clarendon.

The project has a multidisciplinary approach, with four components: sports; literacy and numeracy; life skills; and psychosocial support. The overarching objective is to reduce the psychosocial impact of violence, address the special needs of young people affected by urban violence, and expand their opportunities for social integration.

The project mainly targets drop-out of school children aged between 11 and 19. An integrated referral system and interventions in the family, school and community will enable these young people to integrate into the formal school system and apply the skills they acquire to everyday situations. The project will last 18 months and is geared towards creating communities in which all members can work, live and play freely and laying the foundations for a better future.

For further information, please contact:
Alexandra Ortiz, ICRC Caracas, tel: +58 212 2657740


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